Educational activities

Texts used in Graduate course:
Global environment
C. D. Ahrens and R. Henson
Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment
J. Horel and J. Geisler
Global Environmental Change: An Atmospheric Perspective
Atmospheric radiation
G. W. Petty
A First Course in Atmospheric Radiation: second edition
C. F. Bohren and E. E. Clothiaux
Fundamentals of Atmospheric Radiation
K. -N. Liou
An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation: second edition
Remote sensing of the atmosphere
G. L. Stephens
Remote Sensing of the Lower Atmosphere
W. G. Rees
Physical Principles of Remote Sensing: second edition
J. A. Richards
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction: second edition
Atmospheric chemistry
G. P. Brasseur
Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change